Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Wife shaved husband's head smooth with straight razor

when i came out of the shower i found my husband fiddling with my phone glancing through the photos in my favorites folder i could see that he was agitated by the way that his long red beard quivered from his heavy breathing looking for something he was so intent on searching my phone that he didn't even notice me coming up yes the pictures of that bloke you're cheating with he hissed i should have known you're never in the mood for me but you still wear your nice lace underwear and workout you have photos of this other bloke on your phone i was stunned to hear that i am most certainly not cheating on ron go ahead look through the photos on my phone look at my messaging app and phone call records take a good look at the bloke in the photos and tell me if you know who he is go on tap the pictures and zoom them up as big as you need i waited as ron studied the photos of the other bloke in more detail sure enough his eyes grew bigger when he recognized him that's me when we were first married yes that's right you didn't even recognize yourself and thought i had a new lover here's the clue you don't look much like the man i married the man in those pictures was urbane and sophisticated with his handsome clean-shaven face and short textured spiky crooked ron fingered his mid-chest-length beard i hated that thing but it was his choice how to present himself his hair was now at mid-back but he usually put it up into a man-bun i hated this too but i understand that it's usually unwise for a woman to comment about a man's hair to his face that's what it is you used to not be able to get enough of me we were two gingers against the world some women are visually stimulated to a degree too of course i still love ron as a life partner and housemate but i don't find him sexy like this he looks too much like a dwarf or old-time wizard in a fantasy film at least you're not cheating on me i would never dream of cheating on you i'm not seeing anyone else i admit that i like to look at old pictures of you and remember the early years please ron take the hint i would be attracted to him again in that way if he looked even a little like the way he used to does this mean you don't like my beard i thought it looked handsome no i don't like your beard i want to see your attractive face that beard covers the whole bottom half of your face plus it usually smells dirty i don't want to kiss that ratty thing and that means you preferred my hair super short too ron was quick to put two and two together i loved the look he had when we first met buzzed back and sides with about an inch on top textured and styled into mini spikes it was similar to the haircuts that were popular among young men when i was a teenager discovering boys around the turn of the new millennium i nodded you looked gorgeous i'm sure you're still stunning under there somewhere i didn't just marry you for your looks of course but it's a nice bonus if i shaved my beard and cut my hair would you find me sexy enough to want to get it on again like when we were first together probably without a doubt i didn't want to promise too much and i didn't want to make him feel bad by being too eager but i did want him to reach the right conclusions about how to be attractive to me i said nothing more about the issue that day or the next we carried on as usual in every aspect of our daily lives it was enough that ron knew that i wasn't cheating and had a clue as to how to get me to desire him again one thursday evening i came home from work to find ron already home i could see the difference immediately he had cut his beard so that it ended right past his chin instead of at mid-chest like in 1849 gold prospector i gave him a hug and nuzzled his nose a bit before kissing his forehead but i didn't go beyond that he seemed a little disappointed that he wasn't getting a bigger reward but it had been a long time since i had given him even that much on friday night he told me that his colleagues had responded favorably to his shorter beard some of the women had expressed a desire to see his bare face now that it was just a little bit easier to imagine him having lips and a chin they said i look younger and less like a mountain bandit my boss said i look more intelligent and educated with less facial hair that was horrifying to think that people thought i was backward and uneducated possibly even criminal as well ron was up before me on saturday morning and had already locked himself in the bathroom but i didn't hear the shower yet he was in there a long time before the water started running when he finally came out i gasped and ran to him throwing my arms around his neck i covered his newly bare face in kisses even the tip of his chin he had shaved i couldn't stop nuzzling his smooth cheeks he was still gorgeous under that massive beard after all after breakfast as we cleaned up i could see a mischievous gleam in his eye i had a suspicion of what he had in mind but didn't dare to hope he had left his hair in a messy bun and not washed it in the shower please don't just get an undercut and leave the stupid man bun or simply cut the ponytail at the base of the neck and leave it at that this could still theoretically go wrong after all here was a man who thought that a big dirty biker beard was handsome i couldn't trust his taste on the other hand he had had decent taste when we first got together perhaps he was only pretending to be clean and well groomed because he knew that he couldn't get dates if he looked like cro-magnon man and forgot this fact once we were married i bet you'd love to do the honors and snip off the man bun boy would i ever ron handed me kitchen scissors to cut off the man bun right at the base i never hesitated a single moment as i hacked through the hair it was only after i held the severed man bun in my hands that it occurred to me that he would need a follow-up haircut in order to look presentable i think a professional should take it from here ron was right but of course you want to come and watch i made an appointment for that at the salon inside the covered market salon did this mean that he was planning on a still longish style maybe a 1990s center-parted curtain cut like hugh grant or worse a mullet he knew exactly what i liked so perhaps he was trying to surprise me when we got there i saw that it was a family salon suggesting that there was at least one barber a very young barbarette was waiting in front of a workstation with clippers hanging up next to the mirror the other workstation was more like a women's beauty salon with a plump older woman rolling the hair of an old lady on perm rods hello i'm ron i'm diane i handle men's cuts around here my mother does ladies i used to work at my grandpa's barber shop until he passed away yes i remember your grandfather my dad used to go to him oh this is my wife she finally made it clear that she hated my man bun so i let her hack it off now it's up to you to clean up the mess you told me what you wanted on the phone that's still good yes have it it i see ron had given instructions over the phone so that i wouldn't hear the consultation he knew i would enjoy the suspense diane had him capped up in no time she did not wet down his hair but she did section off the top i saw her insert a tissue at the neck of the cape at least the neckline would be clean diane was very young and quite pretty but i could see she was a true professional some women don't want their husbands going to hot young barb rats but i felt that i could trust diane and more importantly i could trust ron besides he had chosen diane at least in part because he was familiar with the work done by her grandfather if he had seen fit to let her work in his shop she must be good she ran her hands through the messy mullet that i had given ron feeling his head for bumps i knew that his head shape was good and that he didn't have any lumps or bumps that would interfere with clipper work diane picked up a comb and a pair of clippers she did not attach any guards and began cutting his nape hair clipper over comb this was pretty close to his scalp she continued in this fashion all the way up to his crown then extended the cropped sections to the left and right until his ears were exposed i realized that she was just taking off length as a preliminary step as she turned off the clippers and snapped on an attachment i couldn't see which attachment it was but i could see a clear difference between the sections that she had cut clipper overcome and the newly buzzed parts as i watched she changed the attachments several times to taper down toward his neck and sideburns i was satisfied to see the smooth clean taper down to nothing at his nape which she carefully cleaned up with edging clippers diane was keeping the neckline softly blended and natural but she did go up and over around the ears plenty of times ron must have told her that i like a clean airline finally she took down the top it occurred to me that she could just leave the top as is which would look dreadful but if ron was trying to tease me she might diane coombed through the top hair then parted it on the right she sprayed some water on it then began grabbing some hair between her fingers at about an inch or so from the scalp she snipped the hair with her long mean-looking shears good it was going to be a cro-cut once diane had reduced the entire top to about an inch she inserted the comb at the edges to blend it into the back and sides next she blasted ron's head with a hairdryer then switched to thinning shears to texturize when she was all done she rubbed a little bit of product on the top to make it stand up in very short spikes here was the ron i remembered that saturday afternoon after we got home from our usual grocery shopping i led ron into the bedroom and he finally got what he wanted dee first threw venice black hair then threw lizzy's short blonde hair what happened you just wanted to try the new hairdresser that ellen praised so much was that it lizzy shakes her head we got lost and ended up somewhere in a strange district there were three young girls and veni asked for directions to the hairdresser to the hairdresser you are exactly right with us grins one wickedly and pulls a knife in there they took us to an empty apartment and tied us to two chairs in the kitchen they emptied our handbags on the table and put our cash in suddenly one of the girls was standing in front of us with big scissors now the hairdresser is coming she laughed and simply cut my hair again and again she grabs my hair cuts it off and throws it in my face after me it was poor veni's turn first they cut it off around her and then continued to do it in the end they threatened us when you go to the police our friends visit you at home we now know where you live she wags our ids laughing fortunately they only took our cash with them paul only says i think i have to unlock my salon again an hour later the two women have a decent short haircut lizzie has a sporty side parting her ears free and very short at the back he could only make a crew cut out of venice black hair both stare speechlessly in the mirror so i think you both look really great says mona if i should be honest even better than with your long hair much younger and fresher the two rub their short hair and look at each other i think mona is right is veni's first sentence we'll get used to it quickly what do we owe you young man lizzy reaches into her pocket and then realizes that she has no cash at all surely you take credit cards too we'll settle that later now it's mona's turn me how so a while ago you wanted to know how i would cut your hair so sit down paul it was just fun mona sit down he brushes her thick brown hair back pulls a middle parting and reaches for the clipper what are you doing she asks anxiously paul tucks the comb into her long soft hair just above her shoulder now keep your head straight he puts the clipper on the comb and mona sees her long hair falling on the cape in the mirror the comb pulls her hair over her face in front it gets more and more until she sees nothing mona feels the scissors on her forehead her hair falls into her face like a curtain a thick bangs are running across her forehead mona smiles everywhere is still corrected with the scissors then she can stand up she shakes her head and her soft hair swings into her face and asks paul mona hugs him her mother lizzie and aunt veni are visibly impressed by mona's new look lizzie holds out her credit card put it back in my shop is closed today and i will not accept payment there but i would be happy if you would come over to me to recut and maybe recommend me but we will definitely do that and mona take care of our new sweetheart arm in arm mona and paul accompany the two Headshave women Headshave men Headshave hairstyles Forced headshave story Forced headshave bald woman Headshave girl instagram Headshave stories Headshave benefits

Women's day special headshave - 3 Bald girls

It was one of those balmy Saturday evenings when the world seemed to sparkle with possibilities. The city hummed with life, its streets a...