Monday, July 22, 2024

Wife headshaved for cheating

Seema and Ron had been married for less than a month when Ron found out that she had cheated on him. Seema had had an affair and as if that wasn’t humiliating enough she’d been with his best friend, the best man at his wedding. Ron knew that this was the end of his marriage with Seema but, he was determined to humiliate her as she had humiliated him. Ron wanted to give Seema a punishment she would never forget and a punishment everybody would know about. Ron checked the time, 4:30pm, he knew if he was quick he could dash to the store and get all he would need to punish his wife. Ron got home just before 6pm and could tell from the silence in the house that Seema had not yet got home from work. Ron carried his shopping up the stairs and unpacked the items in the bathroom, he then went downstairs to the dining room and carried a chair up to the bathroom. No sooner had the scene for Seema’s punishment been set Ron heard the door slam and Seema shout up the stairs ‘Hey babe, you upstairs? Come down and give me a kiss. Ron went downstairs and confronted his wife with what he knew. As Ron approached his wife he thought about how beautiful she was – her long golden hair falling in gentle waves to her waist, her big blue eyes, pale porcelain skin. It wasn’t hard to believe that Seema had men queuing around the block for her… but not after tonight. Ron thought to himself. Ron gave Seema a kiss ‘Seema, should we go upstairs? I have a new game to play with you in the bathroom. I want you to close your eyes and follow my instructions. Ron said. Seema obliged and closed her eyes. Hold my hand and I’ll guide you up the stairs. Seema blindly followed Ron up the stairs and into the bathroom. ‘Keep your eyes closed, I’m going to start with you’ Ron told her. Seema was becoming increasingly excited by this, she loved it when Ron would take control like this. Seema was feeling a little chilly but too excited to care. ‘Sit down.’ Ron said harshly and pushed on her shoulders to place her in the chair. Seema still had her eyes tightly closed not wanting to ruin Ron’s surprise for her. Seema could feel something rope-like being tied around her arms, legs, and waist binding her to the chair. Finally, Ron told Seema to open her eyes. Seema opened her eyes to see herself in front of the full-length bathroom mirror bound to a chair. In Seema’s mind, this was just a game she and her husband were about to play. Or so she thought. Ron stood behind Seema and began running his fingers through her golden locks, for what he knew would be the last time. ‘I know about you and Max’ Ron stated. Seema tried to speak but Ron cut her off. ‘Don’t lie and say you didn’t, because I’ve seen the proof. I won’t divorce you but I am going to punish you. At this point, Seema’s heart was racing and she was considering what Ron would do to punish her. But nothing prepared her for what he said next. ‘It pains me to do this. You know how much I love your hair. But I need you to learn a lesson and the only way for me to trust you again is for me to be confident you won’t cheat again. And after this there won’t be many people who want to be with you’ Ron laughed towards the end and by now, Seema was starting to panic. Ron finally ended the suspense by telling Seema ‘As a punishment for your infidelity I’m going to shave your head. So you’d best take one last look in the mirror because after this you will be so bald that your head shines’. Seema began to cry but this did not deter Ron and he picked up the scissors without hesitation. Seema stared at the mirror, making eye contact with Ron as she said ‘Please baby, don’t do this. Anything else but not this. I promise I will never cheat again’. Ron took a large chunk of hair at the front of Seema’s head and held it out so she could see its full length, he slid the scissors in an inch above her scalp and snipped. Large wet tears poured down Seema’s face as Ron took lock by lock of her hair and cut it off throwing the shorn pieces onto Seema’s lap so she could see the full extent of the devastation. With each snip, the pile of hair in Seema’s lap and on the floor grew larger than the remaining hair on her head. Within 15 minutes Seema’s glorious golden mane had been reduced to a short, shaggy boy haircut with not a single strand longer than 1.5 inches. Seema sobbed as she looked at her reflection. Ron laughed at her and teased ‘You’re not so beautiful now with your hair on the floor are you?’ He then started rummaging behind her and plugging a mysterious item into the wall. Within seconds a buzz sound came to life and Seema begged Ron again not to shave her head. Without mercy Ron held Seema’s chin forcing her to look in the mirror as he placed the clippers at the top of her forehead, the clippers paused there for a moment and then mowed a clean strip into Seema’s head. On either side of the strip were short tufts of mousy blonde hair and the clippers had left the shortest of stubble on Seema’s head. Seema sobbed harder than ever as Ron kept plowing the clippers through the remains of her previously beautiful hair. Ron was deliberate in where the hair fell and tried his best to make most of the hair fall directly in front of Seema’s eyes. It took Ron not more than 20 minutes to shear Seema’s hair off and leave her with a short sprinkling of stubble across her scalp, the stubble was so light in color that it could easily be mistaken that Seema had no hair at all. But Ron wasn’t finished yet. Ron bent down in front of Seema and looked her in the eyes as he said ‘All of your beautiful hair is gone, well nearly all’. With that final remark, he picked up a can of shaving cream and a razor and began smearing the shaving cream over Seema’s head. Ron scraped the razor from the front of Seema’s head to the back, removing any stubble in the path of the razor. Periodically Ron would run his hands across Seema’s smooth scalp to check for stray hairs and, when on his final inspection he was satisfied she was totally bald. He picked up the towel, dried her head, and untied her. Seema had run out of tears by now and looked at her reflection numbly. She was so ugly with no hair, surely nobody including Ron could be attracted to her now. Ron kissed her smooth shaved head and rubbed her head.

Headshaved by roadside barber

It was afternoon and I was in school scratching my head recursively. That's when my teacher walked to me and saw my head. My scalp wa...