Thursday, July 4, 2024

Breakup Headshave

After being in a relationship for four years today, Priya and I broke up. Sometimes even four years are not enough to know someone. I was too angry and upset at the same time. I was not able to think straight and didn't know what to do. I was walking on the footpath without having any clue where to go. All old memories of Priya were flashing in my mind. After a few minutes of walking, I reached in front of Lilly's barbershop. Lilly is a nice lady. If I wasn't in a relationship with Priya, I would have asked her out. But, we both are friends. I went inside and saw Lilly was cleaning the hairs from the floor. She looked at me and gave me a big smile. It seems Lilly likes me having around. I also responded to her back with a smile but, she could see that I was sad. She asked me if everything was ok. I sat on one of her saloon chairs and told her about my breakup. She was listening to me very calmly and rubbing my shoulders. She asked if there was anything that she could do to make me feel better. I was looking at myself in the mirror hanging in front of me. I said, "Can you shave my head?". She was startled and said, "You are sad and not thinking straight. I will not shave your head". I said it's okay. I will go to another barber and get my head shaved. She stopped me and said, "If that will make you feel better, I will shave your head." She tied the black cape around my neck and headed to the clipper. I told her, "I want to get shaved with a straight razor". She was holding the clipper and staring at me. Then she said, " You are making stupid decisions due to a breakup". I told her, "Please help me and shave my head with a straight razor". She was a bit angry. Lilly put down the clipper took the water bottle, and started spraying water on my hair. While watering she said, "Clipper would have given you a buzzed look but, the straight razor will shave my head to the scalp." I did not respond to her comment and sat still. Once my head was completely wet, Lilly went for the straight razor. She loaded the blade and came closer to the chair. She bent my head so that she could get clear access to the top portion of my head. In that position, Lilly asked me again, " Are you sure?". I said, "Yes." She replied, "Okay then, ready to go bald." She placed the razor in the middle of my head and took the first stroke. A big pile of hair got smugged on my head. My greenish scalp was visible. Lilly stopped for a while and stared at my shaved scalp. It looked like hair was peeled off my head. She then again placed the razor next to the bald spot and shaved downwards. The bald spot on my head was getting wider. Now the scalp was visible. She again shaved from the top, and this time shaved hairs were falling on the cape. She kept running the razor. Within a few minutes, there was a big bunch of shaved hair piled up on my lap. I was watching myself getting shaved. Lilly shaved my top and took a brush and, started dusting my shaved head. Lilly again sprayed some water on the side of my head and started shaving. She started from the right side first. The razor was shaving my hair and displaying my naked scalp. The sound of the head shave was echoing in the shop. Lilly was upset because I didn't listen to her and made her shave my head with the straight razor. After she finished the right side, she moved to the left side. She shaved me from the left side too. Now I was completely bald from the top and both sides. Lilly then came and stood at my back and pushed my head a little. But I can still see her. She was not enjoying shaving my head but, I think she was doing it because we were friends. She then placed the razor on top and started shaving it downward. I could feel the sensation of razor-shaving my head and the cold feeling on my shaved scalp. She ran a straight razor 4 to 5 times on my scalp. Now I was looking in the mirror at my shaved head. Lilly was standing next to the chair and looking at me through the mirror. I told her, "Can you shave again." This time, she didn't say anything because there was nothing much she could do now. This time she applied shaving foam all over my shaved head and started shaving it in the reverse direction. In a few minutes, My head was smoother and shiny. She said, "Now you must be happy by ignoring my suggestion". I told her that I didn't mean to hurt her feelings. It's just that I want to exhale my frustration and, shaving my head was the only solution struck in my mind. I removed my right hand from under the cape and started rubbing my shaved head. Lilly quickly came and slapped my hand and said, "Don't touch your shaved head." I took my hand back. She then took some lotion in her hand and applied it to my head. It burned like hell. I screamed but not too loudly. She again slapped on my shaved head and said, this is your punishment for not listening to me. After a few seconds, my scalp felt cool. Lilly said, "you shaved multiple times, so it will take longer than usual for your hair to regrow." Lilly took off the cape, rubbed her hand on my shaved head, and smiled. I apologized to Lilly and told her, "I had to do this to offload the breakup stress". I thanked Lilly for her support. Lilly replied, "I know what you are going through and, I am always there for you. I told her that was the only reason I came to her. She said, "If you need any help, do tell me." I replied, "Sure. But, there is one thing, will you shave my head again?" Lilly laughed and said, "Why? Are you going for another breakup." I smiled and said, "No, but I like the way you shaved my head." We both were staring at each other's eyes for a few seconds and suddenly her phone rang. She removed the phone from her pocket and, looked at it and, again put it back in her pocket. She again looked at me and said, "If you like it, then I will shave your head as many times as you want." She came closer and hugged me. I also embraced her in my arms. While rubbing my shaved head she said, "Please take care. I cannot see you sad". I said, " I don't have to take care of myself. You are there for me". She then released and said, "See you soon for your head shave." I replied, "Don't worry. I will not keep you waiting." We both laughed, and I left the shop. While heading home, I got a text from Lilly stating, "Can I see you tomorrow. I want to make sure your shaved head is smooth" followed by three hearts.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Finally she shaved her head and eyebrows

Are you a barber? Do you have a “particular” hairstyle in mind that you dare not recommend but desperately desire to give a client? I did and gave my style or a lack of one to a piece of art girl. It was Monday the 15th and the sun illuminated my shop but no one seemed to bother coming in for a cut, trim, or at least a color. I was planning to close up early but a rap on the door called me. I opened to a girl in a light green dress, her skin was olive, she wore white socks inserted into blue shoes, her tresses hung low covering her shoulders, her pouch was black and her white teeth accompanied her blue eyes. Now, let’s talk about her hair for a minute, it flowed over her shoulders and down her back. She had an overgrown fringe that she blew on to see. “Hello, are you still open?” “Yeah, come on in” She walked in with feminine strides and she marveled at my small shop. “This is quite a shop you have”, she praised,” You must get the top clients of town”. “Nah, I hardly get a woman in here” “(Giggle) except me, huh” “Yeah, ahem, so what style do you desire?” She sat in my chair and I tried a black, satin cape around her neck. “I dunno, do you have a catalog of haircuts I can look at?” I was perplexed, nobody really bothered to use my book of hairstyles. It was left in my desk drawer, gathering dust. I asked to be excused to go grab it and the was gracious for me doing so. It was old and outdated by my standards but the girl turned each page tenderly. “May I ask your name?” I queried. “Oh, I guess I didn’t introduce myself”, she said,” My apologies, my name’s Tracy”. “That’s a pretty name” “Thank you”, she blushed,” All these styles are just so cute and they all would fit my face shape. What do you recommend?” “Me? Oh gosh,(sigh) Well, mmm… Nah, I can’t” “Can’t or won’t?” “What I am about to suggest is just my opinion, I won’t force you to get it” “Whatever it is, I’m sure I can handle it” “Well, in that case, I was thinking a total removal, take off your head hair and shave both your head and eyebrows, again I won’t force you to get it” Her eyes had a sparkle about them,” How about we start with a head shave and we go from there”. I smiled,” Yes, ma’am” I gathered up her hair and tied it with safety rubber bands. As I pumped up the chair, Tracy was shifting her feet with anticipation, she must’ve really wanted this makeover and I was the man to give it to her. I fetched my clippers and plugged them in. She bit her lip affectionately as I started my tool. It was exciting to her and I could feel her scalp bubble with goosebumps. The first pass brought her so much joy that her eyes and smile grew wider with each pass. Hair cascaded down to her shoulders, her lap, and the grey-tiled. “You know”, she said,” I have asked so many before you to shave my scalp but they refused, thank you”. I smiled with happiness spelled across my bottom lip. “I’m glad you accepted my recommendation” Soon, all her hair was microscopic stubble. “Mmm… no more bad hair days”, she exclaimed. “You want to go smooth?” “Oh, yes please” I lathered her scalp, covered the first coat with a hot towel, then applied a second coat for a smooth shave. She remained still as strip after strip of cream left her scalp. When I was through, she marveled at my handiwork and rubbed it with care. “So… how about those eyebrows?” She thought for a moment: “You know what, go for it” Yes, I thought as I clipped her eyebrows away and lathered its remnants. Finally, her head was completely hairless (except the eyelashes) and the process had brought out her natural beauty and illuminated her facial features. “So, what do you think?” “To be honest, I should’ve kept my brows” “Well, it will be a few weeks til they grow back and here” I opened my makeup kit and drew on some mighty fine eyebrows where her brows once harbored. “Now”, Tracy stated,” These are even better”. I smiled and removed the cape, she dismounted the chair and opened her pouch. “Here” She paid me the cost and a hefty tip. She hugged me and then left, another happy client. A week later, she returned but she wasn’t alone, a redhead and brunette were with her. Willing to shave her head?

Monday, July 1, 2024

Seema shaved my head with straight Razor

This story is about Seema. A bald fetish girl. She is a young, hot, and beautiful girl, but deep inside, she has an impulsive thirst for shaving heads. She was afraid of discussing this with anyone, as these kinds of things are uncommon around us. But, her urge to shave someone bald is increasing day by day and, she is not sure how long she could hold herself from doing something stupid. One day I saw her at a coffee shop. She was sitting alone, holding a coffee mug, and reading something from the book she had. I was also alone, so I went to her and said, "Hi!." She looked at me rolling her eyeballs, keeping the book in the same position. She stared at me for a few seconds and said, "Hi, sorry, Do I know you?". I pulled the chair and sat on it without asking and replied, " I am Ron. I saw you and assumed that you were sitting alone, so I thought I should accompany you only if you are comfortable." She smiled and nodded her head in the expression of approval. We then started chatting about ourselves. Seema is a very loving person but, I noticed her staring at my hair multiple times, and after a few instances, I finally asked her, "Is there something wrong with my hair?" She got a little scared and said, "No, No, they look fine. I was admiring your hairstyle." I smiled at her comment and thanked her. She asked me if I ever tried any crazy hairstyle. To which I replied, "No, what about you?" She said, "No, but want to try something different." I said, " How about Bob. You will look cool in Bob." Her eyes were wide open in excitement, but it went normal. Then she said, "You know how much time will it take to regrow them." I said, "I don't know, why don't you give it a try." She then replied to me, "Ok, what about you? what is your suggestion for your hair." I replied, "For guys, there are not many options. We can max shave our head." She was stunned for a while listening to this. I have to call her twice to bring her back. I asked her, "What happened?". she just nodded her head stating nothing. I knew, that she likes to talk about hair, so I asked her again about her bob cut. She stared at me for a few seconds and said, " Ok, I will get bob cut, will you shave your head." I thought she was joking, so even I agreed to it. After that, she said, "So will you shave your head with a clipper or razor." I thought it better to play along with this as this was the only topic we had that helped us to stick to each other for so long. I replied, "Whichever way you want. If you like, even you can shave my head." Her heart started pumping faster. Her hands were shaking, but she managed to hold her emotions. It was like her dream of shaving someone's head bald will be real soon. She said, "So you are saying I can shave your head if I get a Bob haircut?" I replied with a devilish smile, "Yes, you can." She confirmed again, " Are you sure?" I replied in a confident tone, "Yes, I am. Are you." She took her bag and gave me her phone number and asked me to call her at exact 9 pm. I smiled at her, and even she smiled back. I saw her leaving the coffee shop in a bit hurry. She directly went to the beauty parlor for a Haircut. Her hair was very long. She got bob cut as we discussed. After the haircut, her hair length was reduced to her neck. She also shaved her nap. Her whole makeover took plenty of time. It was 9 pm, and in the next second, She got a call from me. I said, "Hi, How are you?" She replied, " I am good. Can you see me at my place now?" I was not expecting this to happen so soon, but I agreed and said, "Yes. Text me your address." She texted me her address. While she was ready to leave, her eye caught the Straight razor placed on the shelf. She asked the beautician if she could buy this razor. The beautician said, " Mam, what will you do with this razor?" Seema replied, "I liked it and want to place it on the shelf for a decorative item." The beautician was hesitating, but when Seema offered her twice the price of the straight razor, she gave it to her. I was waiting for her by the locked door, so I called her. She answered my call, and before I could say anything, she said, "Turn around." I turned around and saw her in the bob haircut look. She was looking completely different. I said, "What have you done to your hair?" She replied, " Chop! Chop!." She then hugged me, but I wasn't ready for it, but she held me too tight to avoid the disbalance. Then she reached to my lips and started kissing me. It was hard for me to resist, so I held her head and started running my fingers through her hair and smooth shaved nape. It was shaved smooth with a straight razor. Then she opened her door and invited me in. I followed her to her living room, where we sat on the cushion sofa and started kissing. A few minutes later, we were just looking at each other's eyes. I asked her why she cut her hair, to which she replied," You like bob haircut, so I did it." I said, " I was kidding. You shouldn't have cut your hair." Then she said," First you tell me, did you enjoy rubbing my shaved nape?" It was a weird question, but I said that I liked it. Then she came more closer to me and said," I want to feel it too, and I don't want to feel the only nape. I want to feel the whole shaved head. I was confused about what she was talking about, so I asked her, "What are you talking about?" She then placed her hand on my head, started running fingers in a circular motion, and said, "You said, I can shave your head bald if I cut my hair. I want to shave your head bald." I kept looking at her. I don't know what to say, or how to react in this situation. Before I could say anything, she took a blindfold from her bag and put it on me. I asked her what is she doing, but she said that keep quiet and enjoy. I was blindfolded, and couldn't see what was happening. Suddenly I felt a hand rubbing on my head. It was like she was standing behind me. She was only running one hand on my head (she had a straight razor in another hand). While rubbing her hand, she said, " I have been waiting for this moment for a very long time. I will enjoy shaving every single hair from your head." After saying that, she placed a straight razor on the front line of my head and started shaving it toward the center of my head. One of her hands was at the start of shave, and she was shaving with another hand. I was feeling the tickling of the razor when it was shaving hair from the scalp. She was slowly running a razor on my scalp to feel the shaving of my head. She was getting excited by looking at my shaved scalp. My shaved hair was falling from head to shoulder and at the back. She ran the razor a few times in the same direction to make it smooth. After shaving the top portion of my head, she untied the blindfold. The bright light struck in my eyes. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust the light intensity. When I was comfortable with light, I started looking at the ground. I was sitting in the middle of shaved hair. Seema was sitting in front of me, looking at me with lustful eyes. She ran her hand on my shaved scalp and said, "It is the best feeling I ever had." after saying that, she bent my head and started shaving my head from the back. The razor was rubbing my scalp and shaving the hair on it. My shaved hair was gathering in the middle of my back and sofa. Within a few minutes, she shaved my head from the back, and In no time, she shaved me from both sides. She was rubbing my shaved head with one hand and holding the straight razor in the other hand. She said," I think one more round of straight razor shave will make it smooth." She again started shaving my head. She was running the straight razor in random directions. Soon I was completely bald. She placed the cushion on the ground and asked me to sit on it. I sat on the floor, and she sat on the sofa, putting her legs around my neck, giving her clear access to my shaved head. She then started rubbing my shaved head. The next thing I remember, I was in bed, and Seema walked into the room with the juice. She said," I hope you had a good sleep. I know this is not what you expected but, last night was the happiest night of my life." She sat next to me while we both were drinking juice and, she started rubbing my shaved head and said," Today can we try shaving cream to shave your head?" I don't know what to say. What do you think???...

Breakup Headshave

After being in a relationship for four years today, Priya and I broke up. Sometimes even four years are not enough to know someone. I was...